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Breakfast Club workouts will begin Friday, April 5 and take place April, 12, 19, 25 and  May 10 and 17.  Breakfast Club will take place 6-7am prior to school starting.  Coaches will have breakfast food and drinks for players upon completion of the workouts


Off-season workouts have begun and are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-430pm at the high school weight room.  The days/times are subject to change based on any adjustments to the school calendar.  Please contact Coach McCarroll with any questions

Senior Showcase






Other Hobbies/activities: 

Favorite Movie: 

Favorite Movie Quote: 

Favorite thing to watch on TV: 

Favorite Song: 

Favorite Band/Artist: 

Favorite Food: 

Favorite Subject: 

Favorite Pizza Topping: 

Favorite Wing Sauce: 

Favorite Hot Dog Topping: 

Favorite Holiday: 

Farthest you have traveled from Lehighton: 

Dream Job: 

Unique/unusual talents or skills: 

In 10 yrs, I see myself......


​Swag Store NOW OPEN!​
UA black LS shirt.jpg
We would like to thank Richard Smith for the use of the photo that makes up the background of this website.  He has been a great supporter of our program.  Check out his work at his website!
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